Wednesday, July 2, 2008

so... yeah

so the internet is sometimes available when you least expect it.

my luck with my immune system has run out. i managed to get a head cold. but here they call it the flu. so i have the flu. but this just happened to be right whne i'm about to raft the nile. NOT DANK. but i don't care it's going to be awesome!

realizing that you only have about 6 days to change peoples lives. so intimidating.

realizing that you've had the time of your life and you'll never be the same - awesome.

wanting a hug really bad but knowing you won't get one as good as your mom and dad give for about three weeks - not dank.... but that will make the ones when i get off the plane even more dank! CANT WAIT!

scrambled eggs with onions and tomatoes with ugali - dank dank

finding an US weekly to read and enjoying it just enough - awesome

caramel flavored white chocolate for 10 cents - awesome

sitting in a smokey wooden room with your mama for three hours everynight making food - so cool

eating more than you ever thought possible - well it's painful

thinking that diet foods like protein shakes and salads sound like the most delicious things in the world - shocking

pineapple jam, "spanish omlettes" - delicious

little kids practicing their english on you - fun but depressing - just speak Masai it's prettier!

realizing that you just helped a woman decide how to approach her husband about using condoms - empowering

realizing that she might not get him to be faithful, get tested, or use condoms - depressing

showing a group of 45 year old + women a large dildo so you can show them how to use a condom - awkward

having them want to hold the dildo before they will listen - hilarious

listening to them chatter and giggle about the dildo - GREAT

(and yes aunties, uncles and parents - i'm walking around Africa with a large dildo in my backpack showing men, women, teens, and children how to put on a condom)

looking at some teenage guys and seeing the look in their eyes realizing that now they can protect themselves - priceless

coming to terms withthe fact that the reason you've been bloated for over a month is because of the milk you know and love - ahhhh shit... don't even care - still gonna drink it

watchng someone grab, kill, pluck, gut, etc. a chicken that you find later on your plate with french fries - i think i'll become a vegetarian when i leave my homestay.

getting in a crowded dalla dalla and having a conversation with a very old masai man half in swahili and half in english - FUN - finding out he went to UCLA - inspiring.

having a major water shortage in your village - troubling. the entire community is in shock.

listening to american rap from 5 years ago in the dalla dalla - awesome

watching the youth in your village gather for miltary training - scary - they try to get them young here too. some of them hid though....

seeing that their drill sargent was a woman - pretty cool

having a mama that everyone in the village will respect - bad ass

showing a little boy how to color - so much fun! givng him a water bottle and box to play with. awesome.

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