Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Blog Idea: each day a new place that i can buy beverages...

So I've been coming up with new places where I can enjoy myself as a 21 year old.

Yesterday: Cosmic Bowling

Today: Chipotle

Too bad it's expensive.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'll be over 21 for the rest of my life...

had jury duty today. walked up to the Phoenix Municipal Court and thought to myself "what the fuck... this looks like a hotel" Yes. This court was like 489019 times nicer than the court that i went to for my arraignment for my MIP. I really felt like I was in the wrong place. Enjoyed some of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 before this really annoying man decided to just let 22 of us go, for no real reason. I sat there counting on my fingers... I was number 19. I had given up - thought I would be there forever. My favorite part was hearing adults whisper/shout "YEHHSSSSSSSS!" when their names got called. Mature - yeehhssssssssss. i am no peer.

sigh... alcohol. Now I get to frolic in the world of "adults" rather than sneaking around with red cups, etc. Which reminds me of the times I've walked to Rosati's with a cup of alcohol... thanks Rosati's boys for not paying attention to me on Friday nights.

Steps for the new year: cleaned out my closet in Phoenix --- great accomplishment. Hopefully I'll be able to make a little cash off of the clothing I'm getting rid of, if they don't give me much - it's all going to the IRC. So I'm guessing it will ALL be going to the IRC.

I don't have much time to reach my 3 books over winter break goal. so i'm going to have to stop fooling around online and stick my nose in the book cass got me for Christmas Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. which sounds a lot dirtier than it's turning out to be (kind of disappointed, just in the fact that i thought it was going to be raunchy... it's still great reading)