Sunday, June 15, 2008

a few minutes on the computer

dank again: those french fry omlettes - really it doesn't get any better.

not dank and creepy: people walking really close behind you for no reason. i think it's solely just to walk with a white person - or because they want to stare at us closely... but it's creepy having someone walk behind you for 45+ minutes just staring into the back of your head

dank: getting to just relax in meetings that would be intense and take 20 minutes in the states and takes about 3 hours here

getting your laundry done by your mama - DANK! i have clean jeans (that i can't wear in the village because they can't see i have two legs)

slamming lambs and goats in the back of vans (not dank) ANIMAL ABUSE!

little kids with funny names like sebastian, betty, lillian etc. - DANK

Dawa (medicine aka pot) EVERYWHERE - the dankest of dank.

witchcraft stories that are better than xfiles episodes or stephen king novels = dank!

charging my cell phone for free because my baba owns a duka - awesome

little kids thinking you are their bibi (grandma) - i can't decide if that is dank or not

mama dogs eating their puppies - not dank. someone needs to ship over some dog food here

eating everything with your hands including rice and beans... until one day you get a fork and your meal is entirely chips (french fries) - this isn't dank or not, it's just weird

milk straight from a cow - AMAZING - milk that kind tastes like beef - not amazing.

chaco tan lines - pretty funny, farmers tan on my arms - not as funny

lack of reheating things - this concept is foreign but i feel like it could make some of the bread 100 times better

donkeys that sound like they are dying - this is not dank, again horrible animal abuse and another reason i might become a vegetarian

beautiful birds everywhere - GREAT! DANK! BEAUTIFUL

Cholula on your ugali after not having anything that tastes like mexican food = priceless

shower water that might be dirtier than you are before you take your shower = an interesting situation it's hard to decide if you want to shower or not.

mistaking a cow's for a vibrating phone --- hilarious.


About Sean Buvala said...

Oh yeah, a good story beat television hands down. It's not even in the same category anymore.

Anonymous said...

all of you talk of these dank french fry omelets has left me jonesing for one.